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Jewels Sassy Pants
Bred cow
Jewels is a 6-year-old midsize Panda cow registered with the IMCBR. She is bred to South Arrow Finn for a summer calf. Jewels is a sweet girl that loves cubes. She carries red and brindle coloring and has the most fun colored calves.
FF Mimosa
bred cow
Mimosa is a three-year-old, mid-size, polled, dun American Belted. She comes for cubes and is easy to handle. She has calved twice with no assistance and allows the handling of her calves. She had a lovely red dun heifer on October 26, 2022, that can go with her as a package deal. Mimosa is bred back to either Shrek or Chewy (most likely Shrek) and is due October 4, 2023. She can be purchased by herself once the heifer is weaned, or they can be purchased as a pair.
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